Gaza in our hearts initiative supported by Dubai Cares

The Saffron Souk x The Jacksons for Gaza: Everything you need to know about our Watermelon Bag

In the light of the current conflict in Gaza, we find ourselves in need of contributing to our best ability to help minimize the injustice and hardships that war-torn Gaza and its people are facing every single day. This is how The Saffron Souk came up with the idea of making the Watermelon Bag in collaboration with The Jacksons.

The Watermelon 

The watermelon is not just a fruit for Palestinians; it has been used for decades to represent Palestinian solidarity, notably for its colors which match the frequently banned flag. Amid numerous reports of censorship on social media, people in support of Palestine have resorted to the use of watermelon symbolism and emojis to express their solidarity.

Aiming to support the struggle in our own way, The Saffron Souk decided to make watermelon bags and donate the profits from their sales to the “Gaza In Our Hearts” campaign.

Who are The Jacksons?

Our idea couldn’t have come to life without the help of The Jacksons; based in the UK, this brand provides 1.5k artisans from Bangladesh with work in hand-making jute bags, which has a direct and positive impact on the community and empowers Bangladeshi women. A further 4,000 people are given employment opportunities through the production of jute cord, bead work and embroidery. In this partnership, artisans are being paid directly, which gives them more freedom and choices regarding their daily lives and the future.

The Jacksons’ founder believes that employment leads to independence, empowerment and status. The brand also strives to prove that mindful fashion is possible, with the majority of its products being made from jute — a plant that is completely rain fed and requires no additional energy, which makes jute products virtually carbon free.


Gaza In Our Hearts: A Ramadan fundraising campaign by Dubai Cares

Recognizing the increasingly depleting supply of necessities needed by the people of Gaza, as well as the heightened sentiment of compassion among the UAE community, and a shared desire to extend more support, Dubai Cares has launched Gaza In Our Hearts, a Ramadan fundraising campaign that provides members of the community the opportunity to unite and respond to this urgent need with a sense of responsibility and empowerment.

The campaign will raise funds for concrete emergency support, with all donations going towards the delivery of hot meals, food baskets, as well as waterproof and fire-resistant tents. To ensure the prompt and efficient supply of this emergency relief, Dubai Cares has entered into a strategic partnership with its longstanding partner, Anera.

The donated funds will help in the distribution of hot meals and food baskets, as well as providing emergency shelter tents.

For further information, please visit Dubai Cares.



The Watermelon Bag

The bags are all handmade by women artisans and are currently in production; their tentative delivery date is in the beginning of April, 2024. You can pre-order your bag and reserve it in advance on our website. The Saffron Souk is donating 100% of the profit from the sales of the watermelon bags to Gaza In Our Hearts, so bee a part of this initiative and pre-order your Watermelon Bag now!



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